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Mission Statement

Parents for Trump unite under a common purpose to advance the principles of limited government, personal liberty, fiscal responsibility, and a brighter future where parents have the tools and support they need to secure a brighter future for our children. Parents for Trump believe that the right leadership is essential to achieving this vision.  

  • Protect Parental Rights: President Donald J Trump championed the fundamental right of parents to make decisions about their children's education, healthcare, and upbringing, free from unnecessary government intrusion. Under the Trump Administration, state governments supported policies that empower parents with options for their children's education, including school choice, homeschooling, and charter schools, to ensure every child has access to a quality education.  
  • Strengthen Family Values: Parents for Trump stand for the sanctity of life, traditional family values, and the importance of strong, stable families as the foundation of a prosperous society. As 45th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump safeguarded individual freedoms, including the right to bear arms, free speech, and religious liberty, which are vital to preserving our way of life.  
  • Advocate for Fiscal Responsibility: The Trump Administration advocated for fiscal policies that reduce the burden of debt on future generations and promote economic growth that benefits all Americans. Parents for Trump advocate for policies that encourage entrepreneurship, job creation, and economic opportunity for all, fostering an environment where parents can provide for their families and achieve their dreams.  

With the current threats against our children and families from the Radical Left, we more than ever need the engagement of parents to protect our children and Make America Great Again! 

Join Parents for Trump!